The hair cycle
Sometimes we feel like our hair isn't growing. If that were really the case, we'd be bald!
Hair growth and therefore their life is cyclical. It takes place in three stages:
- The anagen (growth) phase
- The catagen phase (pause)
- The telogen phase (shedding)
The diagram above shows you the different phases of hair's life. Whether you have straight, curly, frizzy or kinky hair, the cycle is universal.
The different stages of hair life
- The anagen phase: Also called the growth phase , it lasts between four to seven years for women and two to four years for men. During this period, strong hair grows approximately 0.8 to 2.5 cm per month without interruption.
- The catagen phase: Don't panic, it only lasts two to three weeks during which hair growth stagnates. It is no longer in contact with the spinal bulb but remains connected to our blood vessels. It is preparing to come out.
- The telogen phase: The last phase of the cycle, it corresponds to the loss of the hair. It falls out pushed by another one in the anagen phase. This period lasts on average 4 months .
How to stimulate hair growth?
A tip to stimulate hair growth is to massage the scalp and adopt the best possible lifestyle, with regular physical activity , a balanced diet (to avoid any deficiency)... and good water consumption.
Note that the length gained during the growth phase of a hair depends on each individual : genetics, illness, lifestyle, treatments, etc. are all factors that can promote or alter the quality of this growth.
One last little thing...
It is important to know that we naturally lose 50 to 100 hairs per day . However, you will notice that our hair grows longer and more often than it falls out and stagnates.
Reassuring, right?