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"Le cheveu crépu n'est pas sec à l'origine, il le devient" Anna, fondatrice

"Curly hair is not dry at first, it becomes so" Anna, founder

A great way to reconcile with your hair, starting with your perception of it. Frizzy hair is a one-of-a-kind texture with which we too often associate pejorative terms: dry, brittle, damaged... which we end up believing and integrating. ⁠

But frizzy hair is soft and wispy. It creates a halo, a crown on our heads that we need to nurture, honor and wear with pride.⁠

A so-called dry hair is the result of the bad treatment it is subjected to externally by choice of products, clumsy or excessive handling, and internally in reference to our lifestyle. ⁠
At the base of a healthy lifestyle there is: water + food + sleep + physical activity. Our body relies on this base to function. The more this base is in balance, the better it performs except in the event of significant stress and illness which, very often, cause our hair to fall out.⁠
Our hair is also subject to the vagaries of our environment. We can't control the weather, but we can adapt our routine accordingly.⁠

Also remember, we are not born with dry hair: bathed in amniotic fluid and benefiting from the necessary contributions for our proper development at birth or even during our first years of life, the health of our hair has not deteriorated. never worn so well.⁠

This global approach of Anna on the hair you can find it through our personalized hair accompaniments. There are two formulas: 1 month (discovery) and 3 months (recommended) which we invite you to discover via the link in the bio. Attention next availabilities: April 2021.⁠
Comment éviter le "heat damage" ?

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